Alix Spooren

All my life, I have been drawn to nature. I grew up in the countryside; my mom’s house is located next to a forest, and so is my dad’s. I care deeply about our connection to the earth, as well as human connection. In my work, I strive to visualize this. The human body has always fascinated me—how it moves, what can be communicated through body language, and its inherent beauty. This fascination led me to study Jewellery Design after obtaining my Photography degree.


2024     32nd international jewellery competition EMPATHY, Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland

2023     Make a difference, part of Obsessed Jewellery Festival, Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Belgium


2022    Commission, Photos for artist book Golden Cord, Koen Vanmechelen


2021 - 2024       Academic Bachelor of Visual Arts, Studio Jewellery, Sint Lucas Antwerpen

2018 - 2021        Bachelor of Audiovisual Technology, Photography, Sint Lucas Antwerpen


2021        La Biomista - Koen Vanmechelen, Genk, Belgium